Category Archives: Musing

So I was a bit annoyed about something today….

Screenshot_20181216-064114 I know hurricanes are VERY BAD NEWS, but I can’t help feeling kind of pleased that they named one after me.  I have been accused, from time to time, of being overly loud or excitable, or angry, even though I was only slightly irritated or peeved at worst.  You know, the moments when you need to simply expostulate a little, release a small amount of steam, in order to return from an annoying situation into a good mood.

My normal response to such injustice would be to laugh a little and say…”you really don’t know me if you think I’m angry now…” . And I’m not joking, in my younger years I had an explosive temper, enough to be so mad at my unfaithful now ex that I cracked his shins with his own guitar and put him in hospital – not my finest hour, but very satisfying at the time.

So. To clarify, if you want to know when I am actually angry, this news story is probably what it looks like. Winking smile

Roundup Formats

Poll_graphic-300x300I find that I have become something of a challenge addict, and consequently am finding it increasingly difficult to look up a post done for one challenge or another. So I thought I would try a round up for each challenge.  I’m undecided as to what is the most reader-friendly format – a post with a pingback from every item in that challenge, or a post with hyperlinks.  So I’m throwing it out to you, dear reader –  which format works best?

You can see the formats by choosing “Roundup” from the black menu on the left.